List of legal abbreviations

In the field of law and legal documents, abbreviations play a crucial role. Legal professionals frequently use standardized abbreviations in the field of law and legal documents. Moreover, you can come across abbreviations for everyday legal words and phrases. These concise references and abbreviations are commonly encountered in court rulings, laws, regulations, academic articles, books, and various legal documents. Below, you’ll find a list of some commonly used abbreviations.

  1. ASJ – Additional Sessions Judge
  2. AOR – Advocate on Record
  3. AFT – Armed Forces Tribunal
  4. ADR – Alternative Dispute Resolution
  5. ACJM – Additional Chief Judicial Magistrate
  6. AGP – Additional Government Pleader
  7. BCI – Bar Council of India
  8. BB – Bail Bond
  9. CJ – Chief Justice
  10. CAW Cell – Crime Against Women Cell
  11. CJM – Chief Judicial Magistrate
  12. CJI – Chief Justice of India
  13. CRPC – Code of Criminal Procedure
  14. CPC – Code of Civil Procedure
  15. CR – Criminal Revision
  16. CA – Civil Appeal
  17. CPCB – Central Pollution Control Board
  18. CLAT – Common Law Admission Test
  19. CAT – Central Administrative Tribunal
  20. COD – Code of Discipline
  21. CIC – Central Information Commission
  22. CRR – Criminal Revision
  23. CW- Court Witness
  24. DW – Defense Witness
  25. DSLSA – Delhi State Legal Services Authority
  26. DV – Domestic Violence
  27. DHC – Delhi High Court
  28. DIR – Domestic Incident Report
  29. DRAT – Debt Recovery Appellate Tribunal
  30. DRT – Debt Recovery Tribunal
  31. EO – Executive Officer
  32. EOL – End of Life
  33. FIR – First Information Report
  34. FAO – First Appeal from Original Decree
  35. FTC – Fast Track Court
  36. FSL – Forensic Science Laboratory
  37. GST – Goods and Services Tax
  38. GS – General Secretary
  39. GRC – Grievance Redressal Committee
  40. HC – High Court
  41. HMA – Hindu Marriage Act
  42. HAMA – Hindu Adoption and Maintenance Act
  43. HCBA – High Court Bar Association
  44. IPC – Indian Penal Code
  45. IO – Investigating Officer
  46. IA – Interlocutory Application
  47. ICJ – International Court of Justice
  48. ITAT – Income Tax Appellate Tribunal
  49. JMFC – Judicial Magistrate First Class
  50. JC – Judicial Custody
  51. Ld. – Learned
  52. LCR – Law Commission of India
  53. Ld. APP – Learned Additional Public Prosecutor
  54. LPA – Letters Patent Appeal
  55. LPA – Letters Patent Appeal
  56. LCR – Lower Court Records
  57. LLM – Master of Laws
  58. LOC – Lookout Circular
  59. LLB – Bachelor of Laws
  60. LPA – Letters Patent Appeal
  61. MACT – Motor Accident Claims Tribunal
  62. MACMA – Maintenance and Welfare of Parents
  63. MOU – Memorandum of Understanding
  64. MLC – Medico-Legal Case
  65. MOA – Memorandum of Association
  66. MP – Maintenance Petition
  67. NALSA – National Legal Services Authority
  68. NBW – Non-Bailable Warrant
  69. NCLT – National Company Law Tribunal
  70. NDPS – Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances
  71. NGT – National Green Tribunal
  72. NHRC – National Human Rights Commission
  73. NRI – Non-Resident Indian
  74. NGO – Non-Governmental Organization
  75. OPAT – One Person Company Appellate Tribunal
  76. OBC – Other Backward Class
  77. PIO – Public Information Officer
  78. PW – Prosecution Witness
  79. PS – Police Station
  80. PO – Proclaimed Offender
  81. PP – Public Prosecutor
  82. PIL – Public Interest Litigation
  83. RTI – Right to Information
  84. RCR – Revisional Criminal Records
  85. RCR – Restitution of Conjugal Rights
  86. SB – Surety Bond
  87. SPO – Special Public Prosecutor
  88. SLR – Supreme Law Reports
  89. SHO – Station House Officer
  90. SC – Supreme Court
  91. SC – Scheduled Castes
  92. ST – Scheduled Tribes
  93. SLP – Special Leave Petition
  94. TIP – Test Identification Parade
  95. UOI – Union of India
  96. U/S – Under Section
  97. VSP – Victim Support Program
  98. VCAT – Victims Compensation Assistance Tribunal
  99. VCF – Victim Compensation Fund
  100. WP – Writ Petition

These abbreviations and short codes are used to streamline legal procedures and documentation in the Indian judicial system.